This is how we helped USTECH SOLUTIONS introduce its company to new-starters in a friendly way
Type: Educational
Playing time: 3 mins, 33 seconds
Format: Animated
Introducing new starters to USTECH SOLUTIONS
USTECH SOLUTIONS is a leader in on-demand workforce solutions serving the large enterprise market. It’s customers include five of the Fortune 100 and includes financial services, pharmaceuticals, technology and manufacturing companies. Central to the company’s brand is its passion for people and creating work-life adventures for its contractors, one adventure at a time. For USTECH SOLUTIONS, the induction process – welcoming new starters into its business in the right way – is key to its commitment to its workforce.
What did we do?
Working with the human resources team, we agreed what knowledge needed to be imparted to new-starters. From this we developed couresware for use on the company’s computer-based training system. To bring some variety and interest to the induction process, we agreed with managers which aspects of the content could be presented in an animated video format. The short-format video has proved popular with new-starters.
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