tired business woman sleepy and bored from sitting at a desk for a long time and has office syndrome

At Newton Day, we’ve made a bold decision to stop email outreach as part of our marketing strategy.

The landscape of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and we’ve observed some concerning trends in email campaigns.

This post explores the reasons behind our choice and examines alternative channels that have proven more effective for us.

We’ll also discuss the potential negative impacts of email outreach on brand reputation and customer relationships.

Why Are Email Open Rates Plummeting?

Email marketing used to be the golden goose of digital outreach. But those days are long gone. At Newton Day, we’ve seen a steady decline in email open rates over the past few years. And we’re not alone.

The Inbox Battlefield

According to Campaign Monitor, the Education industry has the highest open rate at 28.5%. This suggests that certain industries may still find success with email marketing, but the landscape is challenging across the board.

Spam Filters: The Silent Killer

One major culprit behind these declining open rates is the ever-evolving sophistication of spam filters. Gmail, for instance, now uses AI to detect and filter out promotional emails. This means that even if your email makes it to the inbox, it might end up in the dreaded “Promotions” tab, where it’s likely to be ignored.

The Cost of Being Ignored

The financial implications of these trends are significant. HubSpot reports that the average cost per lead from email marketing has increased by 32% since 2020. This means we’re spending more to reach fewer people.

A Saturated Market

The sheer volume of emails being sent is staggering. In a late 2023 poll, more than half of responding marketing professionals reported a 100 percent improvement rate in their e-mail marketing. This suggests that while the market is saturated, there’s still potential for success with the right strategies.

Is Email Marketing Getting More Expensive?

At Newton Day, we’ve found that focusing on the FOUR FRAMES of marketing has yielded far better results than continuing to pour resources into email outreach. It’s time for marketers to adapt or risk being left behind in the digital dust. The FOUR FRAMES are illustrated here:

How Does Email Outreach Harm Your Brand?

Email outreach can significantly damage your brand reputation, often in ways that aren’t immediately apparent. At Newton Day, we’ve observed several negative consequences that led us to reconsider our email marketing strategy.

The Spam Perception Problem

One of the most significant issues with email outreach is the risk of being perceived as spam. About 43% of email sent today is spam. This means that even carefully crafted emails can end up in the spam folder, never to be seen by the intended recipient.

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Moreover, the Radicati Group reports that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day. In this crowded inbox environment, unsolicited emails are often seen as intrusive and annoying, regardless of their content. This negative perception can quickly tarnish your brand’s image.

Eroding Customer Trust

Excessive email outreach can severely damage customer relationships. The 2023 Adobe Email Usage Study revealed that 50% of consumers feel that brands send too many emails. This oversaturation leads to email fatigue, where recipients become overwhelmed and disengaged.

Spamming your contacts can increase your bounce and unsubscribe rates. This not only reduces your potential audience but also indicates a loss of trust in your brand. Once trust is broken, it’s incredibly difficult to rebuild.

Legal Risks and Compliance Nightmares

The legal landscape surrounding email marketing is complex and ever-changing. The CAN-SPAM Act in the United States, GDPR in Europe, and CASL in Canada all impose strict regulations on commercial emails. Violations can result in hefty fines – up to €20 million or 4% of annual global turnover under GDPR.

In 2019, a major airline was fined £500,000 by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office for sending over 3 million marketing emails to customers who had opted out. This not only resulted in financial loss but also in significant negative publicity.

At Newton Day, we’ve found that the risks associated with email outreach far outweigh the potential benefits. By shifting our focus to more consensual and engaging forms of marketing, we’ve been able to build stronger, more positive relationships with our audience while avoiding the pitfalls of email outreach.

Final Thoughts

The decision to stop email outreach wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. At Newton Day, we’ve seen firsthand how this once-effective marketing tool has become less impactful and potentially harmful to brand reputation. The plummeting open rates, increased spam filtering, and rising costs per lead have made email outreach a risky investment.

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Adapting our marketing strategy has been crucial in staying ahead in the digital landscape. By shifting our focus to social media platforms, content marketing, and personalised outreach, we’ve not only improved our engagement rates but also built stronger relationships with our audience.

We recommend exploring alternative channels that offer better ROI and engagement. Social media platforms like LinkedIn have proven particularly effective for B2B companies. Content marketing allows you to provide value while establishing thought leadership. And personalised outreach, when done right, can yield significantly higher response rates than mass email campaigns.

It’s time for marketers to evolve their strategies. The future of effective outreach lies in creating valuable, shareable content and leveraging platforms where your audience is most receptive. By doing so, you’ll not only avoid the pitfalls of email outreach but also position your brand for long-term success.

At Newton Day, we specialise in crafting personalised, circular marketing strategies that elevate brands and connect them with their audience. Our approach focuses on developing unique brand identities and converting leads into loyal customers, ensuring your brand thrives in today’s competitive market.

Remember, the key to successful marketing is adaptability. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so should your marketing strategy. By staying informed and open to new approaches, you’ll be well-positioned to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.